The best uninstaller tool
The best uninstaller tool

the best uninstaller tool

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) Download Now you can install the new and latest drivers for your graphics card. You can also view the Log of operations performed by DDU in the window located on the bottom left side of the tool. After clicking on the Clean and restart option your computer will be restarted and the graphics driver will be removed completely. Here I am choosing the Clean and restart option in Safe Mode because for safe driver removal this is the best option.Ħ. It will uninstall graphics drivers and restart your computer automatically after the driver removal process.Ĭlean and DO NOT restart – This option is not recommended and it may cause Black screen issues until you restart your computer.Ĭlean and Shutdown – This option is only needed when you want to install a new graphics card after removing the older graphics driver. Now there are three options to perform graphics card driver uninstallation:Ĭlean and restart – This is the Highly Recommended option to use. Nvidia or AMD depending on your graphics card.ĥ. Now Run DDU.exe from the folder when you have unpacked its files.Ĥ. So here restart your computer in Windows Safe Mode if you want to run DDU in safe mode.ģ.

the best uninstaller tool

For best results and stability you should run DDU in safe mode only. Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) can be run in either normal mode or in safe mode. Download the Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) utility from the download link given below. Here is the complete guide that shows how to use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) on your Windows PC.ġ. How to use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) DDU supports Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 and Windows 10 operating systems. Must Read: Top Tips for Nvidia and AMD Graphics Card Driver Installationĭisplay Driver Uninstaller (DDU) Compatibilityĭisplay Driver Uninstaller (DDU) can remove video drivers of both Nvidia and AMD graphics cards. DDU will remove all the traces of your older display drivers so that you can install the latest or fresh copy of display drivers for your graphics card. In my opinion, DDU is the best AMD and NVIDIA driver removal tool for Windows. DDU is an effective and one-of-a-kind graphics driver uninstaller tool that is completely free to use and download. Display Driver Uninstaller or DDU is a tool/utility that is designed to uninstall graphics drivers or video drivers that cannot be uninstalled using the normal process. To fix this DDU tool will help you to combat this driver uninstallation problem. Sometimes it may happen that your older or new graphics driver gets corrupt and it is not uninstalling.

the best uninstaller tool

The normal way to uninstall graphics drivers is by using the windows uninstaller from the Add / Remove Programs in the control panel. The recommended way to install new display drivers is to first uninstall the older drivers and then install the latest drivers for the video card.

The best uninstaller tool